Wednesday, January 30, 2013

PEANUT reviewed by The New York Times

“A smart, affecting graphic young adult novel… Sadie’s allergy may be fake, but the sentiments in ‘Peanut’ are not, and that’s what matters. For adolescents, reality is often more about how you feel about things than about the facts themselves. “
--Pamela Paul, The New York Times

The New York Times reviewed PEANUT on January 23rd, 2013, on their website. It's a very thoughtful and, thankfully, positive review that made me and everybody who was involved in the book very happy. Read the full article here.

I'm especially thrilled about the kind words Pamela Paul had to say about my artwork:

"[…] Hoppe’s panel illustrations are done in a loose, black-and-white pen-and-ink style. Only Sadie’s omnipresent shirt, which goes from tank top to polo to hoodie, according to season, is cherry-red. This highlights her sense of physical and emotional isolation. Hoppe also illustrates Sadie’s thoughts and emotions in inventive ways. A sequence in which she imagines various people’s reactions to her confessing as thought bubbles above her head — each one going pop! as the imagined dialogue sputters — is especially brilliant. […]

I have to admit the "bubbles" sequence was already thought up in author Ayun Halliday's manuscript, and it was one of my favorite parts from when I first read it. I'm glad that the reviewer liked it as much as I did.

Many thanks to Pamela Paul, and once again to Ayun, Rebecca, Ann an Lee!

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