Monday, June 16, 2008

Another great review of METAL MAN

My children's book METAL MAN received a wonderful review from the San Bernardino Sun:

"...Welded firmly together are the text by Aaron Reynolds and the illustrations by Paul Hoppe. The book brings to the reader the process of creating something special from what many feel is little more than junk metal. [...]

The paintings used are as strong as any heavy gauge metal in their telling of this story. The sparks from the welding portion of the pictures are particularly inventive and accurately portray the action. The angles of vision that are used on the pages of this book give the reader a feeling of strength that is equal to the metal that is being depicted. [...]

Across America, metal shops are fewer in number than they once were, so this also allows a grandparent or great-uncle to take a young reader on a historic trip to our nation's not-too-distant past..."

You can read the entire review here.

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