I'm taking off to spend time with my family across the Atlantic, and ending this year with a few winter impressions from New York that I used for personal mailings recently.
I'll be out of the office from December 21st till January 6th, 2008. I will have little to no access to emailing. In urgent cases, you can still reach me on my regular phone which will work the whole time.
Between a large corporate project and a cover that I'm trying to finish up before getting ready for my annual christmas trip to Germany, I did this drawing for last Friday's issue of the New York Times. The article was about the New York Philharmonic's visit to North Korea.
Here's an illustration that just came out on the pages of The Stranger. It's about the West Coast Tour of literary magazine n+1. A very enthusiastic and well received publication, they had to struggle with financial setbacks. To promote their publication, they are currently on a tour of the western states. You can read the entire article on The Stranger website.
The new book is out now, ask at your local comic book store for it! S.Y.Choi did a beautiful job with the cover, and it's packed with great comics from many colleagues of mine. For more infos please visit www.rabidrabbit.org
This is an large illustration I did for the current issue of Isthmus. It's about Nightlife Events during holidays. You can read the entire article here.
This is for Avira in Germany, a company that produces virus protection software. It's the second time they assigned me to do a Pop-Up Ad for their premium software.