Thursday, December 11, 2014

Happy Holidays

Wishing everyone very Happy Holidays and all the best in the new year!
Don't let the Yeti get you!

Edit: Sorry about the broken links, all fixed now!

Time also to look back– how was Your year??

For me, one of the highlights was the 30th Anniversary of the MFA Illustration program here at SVA, which was celebrated with a big exhibition and numerous events.

But even aside from that, this year had everything: Nice projects, some even from Germanycomics-festivals, motivated and talented students, visits from high dignitaries, books, books, books, and let's also not forget: WE won the World Cup!

Let's hope that 2015 will continue just the same way.


  1. My year has been quite fruitful. Thanks for asking.

    That yeti's face is PRICELESS!

    1. Glad to hear it!
      And thanks, he's just had a bit too much eggnog...
