Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Peanut review in the Cleveland Plain Dealer

Cleveland loves Peanut, reviewer Michael Sangiacomo wrote a very kind and thoughtful article about our book, you can read the full review on The Plain Dealer's website.

Here is the second half of the text, which has some very nice things to say about the art as well:

"[…] Halliday, the self-described "chief primatologist" of the popular New York zine "The East Village Inky" writes a simple yet compelling story that offers lessons without being preachy. She found a perfect partner to illustrate the work in Paul Hoppe, who previously wrote and drew a children's book of childhood fears, "The Woods."

Hoppe's style is gentle and engaging. His depictions of the characters are perfect, and, in an unusual touch, he gives Sadie alone a splash of color in the otherwise black-and-white drawings. It sounds so simple, but that slight dash of red on her clothing sets her apart from the other characters in much the same way her fake allergy does.

Most impressive is the lack of stereotypes or overwritten characters. Everyone's actions are normal, plausible, believable. It's a slice of high school life in which a 14- or 15-year-old girl tries desperately to find an identity.

Along the way, Sadie learns about the difficulties of allergies and how constantly vigilant truly allergic people must be. She learns of a girl who was sickened because she kissed a boy who had eaten peanuts. She also learns how tough it is to lie to her mother and the school nurse.
Sadie selects her condition with little thought, reeling from the divorce of her parents and the abandonment by her best friend from the old school.

In some ways, "Peanut" is a universal story about people who are just trying to fit in. Isn't that everyone?"
– Cleveland Plain Dealer, January 31st 2013

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