Monday, April 27, 2009

School Library Journal gets a kick out of HAT

This very kind review of HAT just came out on the pages of the School Library Journal. Thanks very much for the nice words, Laura Stanfield and SLJ!

PreS-Gr 2—During an outing in the park, Henry finds a broad-brimmed hat and thinks of all the wonderful things he can do with it, such as catch mice and perform magic. He lets his imagination run wild: "Hat can be a boat, sailing far away." But after his mom reminds him of all the people who might need the hat, he leaves it where he found it. The text is simple but imaginative. The illustrations bring each imagined scenario to life, and the ink drawings have a slightly retro feel with their subdued colors. The story lends itself to being read aloud, and the red hat pops off the pages. Henry and Hat are sure to be a hit. —Laura Stanfield, Campbell County Public Library, Ft. Thomas, KY

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