Monday, April 20, 2009

American Illustration 28

Good news, my Winter image got into the American Illustration Annual 28. Originally, this was a personal piece, done for a postcard mailing and for my homepage. I'm really thrilled that these architectural pieces get such great response. They take a lot of time but I love doing them! Thanks so much to the jury.


  1. hey paul,

    i wrote you before about buying some of your prints! (don't worry i haven't dropped the idea completely, just need my other half's input on which one he wants on our living room wall!)

    i was wondering, how do you create your images? do you draw by hand and then process it digitally? how long did Winter take to complete?

    Love your stuff! Will be in touch.

  2. Hi Chia,
    no problem, hope you guys will find something on my site or blog, that will look good on your wall!

    I have a couple ways of doing my artwork, but essentially it's all drawn by hand, and then I use the computer for some shading and colors.

    Most times I do very small sketches for the intial idea and composition. Then I either redraw it larger (freehand), or I ink on top of an enlarged sketch (always with ink and nib and brush).

    I color and shade on the computer. But a lot of times I draw or paint hand-made separations and overlays for the colors and shades, in an old-school printmaking / silkscreen way (for the Winter piece, I did that with the falling snow). My children's books are even more painterly.

    I worked on and off for more than a week on this piece, leisurely with breaks. But sometimes I do full illustrations in a day...puh!
