The series is written by Christine Pakkala and tells the adventures of a young girl called Lola Zuckermann. Because of her last name, she is always called on last by the teacher, but that's not her only problem. In her class, there is a "Going Green" contest, so she has to come up with a great idea to preserve the environment. And since she'll have to go last again, she hopes not all the good ideas will be already taken…
It's been a blast illustrating this first book of the series. The humor and the relatable characters gave me a lot of ideas what to depict. I do love this format: The book has a lot of illustrations (most spreads have one), but they are light and simple, with focus on characterization. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with Christine's wonderful script and with the awesome people at Boyd Mills.
The book is out now, it's perfect for 2nd and 3rd-graders, or to be read for even younger kids.
I'll have it with me at New York Comic Con Artist Alley, if you'd like a signed copy. Or get it at any book store, or from the publisher as well as Amazon or IndieBound starting NOW!